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TRAC 2025 Call for Sessions

The 33rd Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference – TRAC 2025

Date: 22–24 October 2025

Venue: Online through the Gather Town platform

The TRAC Standing Committee and TidA are pleased to invite proposals for themed conference sessions for TRAC 2025.

In the spirit of collaboration the Theoretical Roman  Archaeology Conference Standing Committee and TidA are partnering to offer an opportunity to connect scholars  working in the D-A-CH regions, the UK and beyond for a special TRAC 2025 conference. Established at the TAG conference in Lampeter, AG Theorien in der Archäologie (AG TidA) has evolved from the Theorie-AG, founded in 1990 and dedicated to furthering debates in archaeological theory within (but not exclusively) the German speaking world (D-A-CH).

TRAC 2025 welcomes sessions that address all aspects of theoretical Roman archaeology. However, as TidA’s scope is not limited to the Roman world only, the joint organising team specifically welcomes sessions taking a comparative diachronic approach regarding Roman archaeology and other archaeological and historical cultures, or take a long-horizon perspective and consider the Roman world in relation to prior or subsequent periods. We also welcome proposals for sessions that consider the application of a specific theoretical model in diachronic perspectives but include the Roman world.

To facilitate collaboration, the organising team will endeavour to offer match making for prospective session organisers who want to run a joint session with colleagues from another country but might require an introduction.

Following the submission deadline for session proposals, we will also offer an opportunity for complementary session topic organisers to connect up to offer a joint double session.

TRAC 2025 especially encourages sessions that consider:

  • Diachronic and cross-cultural perspectives on theoretical approaches in the Roman world and beyond
  • Decolonising archaeology (including curriculum) – insights from other subjects are welcome
  • Transformation of empires – diachronic and cross-cultural comparisons with the Roman Empire
  • Sustainable Heritage – Managing and developing Roman cultural heritage sites and what we can learn from non-Roman sites
  • ‘New materialities’ including in the digital age
  • (Dis)connectivities in human-environment-object relationships
  • Beyond binaries and dualities in archaeological theory

Session format

  • A TRAC/TidA session should consist of 4 to 6 presentations (double-sessions and half-sessions will be considered)
  • Presentations should last no longer than 20 minutes
  • The format can be standard or workshop
  • Speakers are asked to leave sufficient time at the end of their papers for questions from the audience, though time for more general discussion will also be included at the end of sessions
  • The official conference language is English; presentations in German are welcome as long as the accompanying slides are bilingual.

Session Proposal should include:

  • Session title
  • Name, affiliation, postal address and email of the proposer(s)
  • A short description of the theme or subject area of the session (not more than 300 words)
  • Proposed session can have a list of speakers, but do not have to. Session proposals can submit a list of up to 6 proposed speakers and titles/themes of their presentations, indicating in each case if the speakers have confirmed their participation in the session.

Session proposals should be sent to

Deadline: 15 May 2025. 

Session proposals will be considered by the joint organising team and sessions proposers will be informed of the Committee’s decision by email.

The Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference will have a general session(s) for any papers that do not correspond with a themed session.

A Call for Papers will follow in June 2025.